Friday, June 11, 2010

Artisan Bread in 5 Minutes a Day

Every Saturday, we have pizza and games. We play new games as a family. We are learning to play one called The Great Dalmuti. It's a game my parents like to play. They played it in college.

I like playing the games because it's fun. It's a tradition I want to teach my kids.

We make our own pizzas, unless my mom is sick. We usually make three large pizzas. This is enough to feed all of us.

The recipe we use for pizza dough is from Artisan Bread in 5 Minutes a Day. It's easy! The easiest part is adding the ingredients. You add them in order: liquid to dry in a bowl. Then you mix it with a spoon and not your hands! I used my hands and it looked like I had a glove of dough! YUK! Then, you let it rise for 4 hours. Then it's ready for pizza! yummy! It makes enough for four large pizzas. My mom saves the rest of the dough for rolls for Sunday dinner.

We use a marinara sauce. Victoria marinara is my favorite but it's expensive. Instead, we use the sauce with the dude on it.

My favorite kind has lots of cheese, pepperoni and olives. We also make pepperoni, cheese, combo, and last week my dad had buffalo chicken pizza. That pizza had buffalo chicken sauce, chicken, cheese, mushrooms and olives. I picked an olive off and it was pretty spicey! My mom's favorite pizza has tomatoes and basil. I like it, too, except for the tomatoes.


  1. What a fun tradition and glad that you plan to carry it on when you have a family of your own. The buffalo chicken pizza sounds good !

    Love your description of the marinara sauce with the dude on it. :)

  2. stopping by from your mom's! we make pizza in our home to...the recipe is on my own blog. We use Walmart pizza sauce. It is inexpensive and very good...I know, I was surprised too!
